how to commbine multiple file into single-file for pdf and
File that generation from multiple input images.
Allan had mention it exist in the archival but I can not
find the archival location. Can some one point me to the
correct location.
right on the front page of is a link to the mailing
lists, with a nice searchable interface.
the thread i was talking about starts here:
ps- no ne
Hi Tom,
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Tom Miller wrote:
> [] I think it perhaps working for
> you because you scanner wait for the next intruction.
> However, the Fujitsu doesn't seem to do that.
The Dell 1600n driver (currently) has no concept of "no more documents" so
I don't get this problem.
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Tom Miller wrote:
> Allan,
>> unfortunately, this does not meet the spirit of tom's
> request, as it will
>> make multiple files, and it does not handle the reloading of
> the hopper.
>> tom, you need to investigate the existing front-ends, like
>> xsane/kooka/scanadf and
>unfortunately, this does not meet the spirit of tom's
request, as it will
>make multiple files, and it does not handle the reloading of
the hopper.
>tom, you need to investigate the existing front-ends, like
>xsane/kooka/scanadf and see if they do this.
I am building the dep
ument feeder out of documents
Do you know the syntax to combine all individual scanned
files into one either .tiff or pdf file?
Thanks again
Original message
>Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 22:25:13 +0100 (BST)
>From: Jon Chambers
>Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Can S
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Jon Chambers wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I don't have the same scanner as you, but the following works fine for mine
> (Dell 1600n) under SANE:
> On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Tom Miller wrote:
>> 1.Put a first stack of paper on the scanner
>> 2.Click on a START SCAN button
> scanimage
Hi Tom,
I don't have the same scanner as you, but the following works fine for
mine (Dell 1600n) under SANE:
On Thu, 19 Oct 2006, Tom Miller wrote:
> 1.Put a first stack of paper on the scanner
> 2.Click on a START SCAN button
scanimage --batch
> 6.Once, the operator decided He/She done with
Does anyone who know if Sane or scanimage can do the
following requirements: I have a Fujitsu 5120C
I want to scan many stack of paper without counting the page
on each stack anD save these scanned information into one
big file.
Example work flow.
1.Put a first stack of paper on the scanner