I compile to /usr/local with the following path for the libs (according
to Fedora 17-Standards):
./configure --libdir=/usr/local/lib64
Then I set the librarypath for scanimage and xsane with ldconfig as
described in
> >>> On my Fedora 17, 75 dpi flatbed lineart does only work with root
> >>> privileges, while all other scan modes (including 75 dpi flatbed grey
> >>> and color) work without root-privileges. Cf. pixma.log and
> >>> pixma.root.log, each containing the xsane start and one 75 dpi lineart
> >>> scan
> > On my Fedora 17, 75 dpi flatbed lineart does only work with root
> > privileges, while all other scan modes (including 75 dpi flatbed grey
> > and color) work without root-privileges. Cf. pixma.log and
> > pixma.root.log, each containing the xsane start and one 75 dpi lineart
> > scan attempt a
> > In xsane one finds for greyscale and line art 75 dpi available. Scanning
> > with 75dpi-lineart as normal user gives the error message "operation
> > canceled", while it works as root.
> Why do you need root rights? Copy sane-backends/tools/udev/libsane.rules
> to /etc/udev/rules.d/, join gr
> Please test other scanners with pixma backend. Very propably they are
> not broken.
quick smoke tests of scanning a A4-paper in different resolutions and
color-depths on my 9000F worked.
In xsane one finds for greyscale and line art 75 dpi available. Scanning
with 75dpi-lineart as normal u