> README.linux (in top source directory) has information on how to fix
> this permission problem.
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=sane/sane-backends.git;a=blob_plain;f=README.linux;hb=HEAD
Except this information is wrong in modern distros. Permissions are
regulated by udevd or system
> I've installed sane-backends-1.0.22 and when I run 'scanimage -L' and
> 'sane-find-scanner' I get different results depending on 1) if I'm root v.
> user, and 2) if I run from within sane-backends-1.0.22/backends or not.
> !?!?
At a guess, the distro you're using has altered the install conventi
I realized after reinstalling my main workstation that the Avision
FB6280E support I wrote two years never got added to upstream. Not
sure who dropped the ball (probably me), doesn't matter, here's the
patch. It still applies properly with just a bit of fuzz to 1.0.23.
Note that it does _not_ up