[sane-devel] Rendering Intent for Color Management in XSANE Setup

2010-07-29 Thread Enno Fennema
s. The second step almost certainly is into a smaller colourspace. Here rendering intent indicates the preferred way of compressing all possible colours into such smaller space. Regards, Enno Fennema

[sane-devel] RGBI file format

2010-05-26 Thread Enno Fennema
I am looking for a good file format to save scanned RGBI images, that is like a RGBA file but an infrared instead of a transparency byte for each pixel. Sane once (and maybe still) transfered RGBI info but I am not sure it was ever written to a file. An additional requirement is that the file mus

[sane-devel] Canon 8800F infrared scan

2010-03-28 Thread Enno Fennema
Gernot Hassenpflug wrote: > On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 8:44 PM, m. allan noah wrote: > The options I can see in color negative scan mode are (translated as > best I can): > > 3) dirt removal (using FARE) FARE is the Canon word for the Infrared scanning, Dirt removal should do a scan with D8 20 data

[sane-devel] Canon 8800F infrared scan

2010-03-27 Thread Enno Fennema
m. allan noah wrote: > Uhm- how are you scanning IR in sane with an unsupported scanner? You are right. I wrote a custom driver which does IR (well, kind of; that is my problem) and at the same time talking with Gernot about the SANE 8800F driver. As often suggested a custom driver is easier when

[sane-devel] Canon 8800F infrared scan

2010-03-27 Thread Enno Fennema
I am scanning negatives on a Canon scanner, both normal RGB and then infrared. The alignment of visible dark (light after inversion) patches in rgb and the IR patches is poor and varies in a for me unpredictable way from patch to patch. Would like to get in touch with anyone having similar results

[sane-devel] SANE V2

2002-12-06 Thread Enno Fennema
ork better. Regards, Enno Fennema

[sane-devel] SANE V2

2002-12-04 Thread Enno Fennema
A configuration file would look something like: [Backends] ... canonusb ... def myscanner canonusb N656U [canonusb] model Canoscan N656U ... [Canoscan N656U] vendor 0x02A9 product 0x2206 sysname /dev/usbscanner0 saturationRed 2.44 saturationGreen 1.37 saturationBlue 1.08 ... Would appreciate comments on the points raised. Enno Fennema e.fenn...@dataweb.nl