Karl Heinz Kremer wrote:
> I can at least tell you that EPSON supports the Sane development, and
> you can also get a (not completely free) frontend from EPSON KOWA.
But "Epson Italia" doesn't inform users that many Epson scanners work
well in Linux :-( Maybe Epson Kowa guys could get upset :-)
Ulrich Deiters wrote:
> Some recent film scanners appear not to have exposure controls.
> As far as I know, the Canon FS2710S is such a case. But it scans
> 3x12 bits, and so it is OK to do the gamma correction in the backend
> and then truncate to 3x8 bit.
I have the same scanner. But I think I'm
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> And this would be returned by any SANE API function that currently
> returns SANE_Status? Nice, because it links the error number and the
> message. No need for an extra call to a function.
Yep. That's why I like this method. :-)
> However: How long is errmsg valid?
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> So the backend would call the callback immediatly, when a fatal error
> occurs. Fatal means, that it will return anything other than
> SANE_STATUS_GOOD. This would work for command-line programs but may be
> messy for graphical frontends.
Errr... Since you're definin
Deiters wrote:
> thank you for the tip about the array length; I will check this.
I "hit" the bug some time ago (around 25/10), and Henning Meier-Geinitz
found it.
> The FS2710 does not seem to be influenced by downloaded gamma tables.
Yep! It is. Or at least I've had MAJOR troubles when trying t
I'm looking for a good (and supported :-) ) scanner that could acquire
6x6 slides with at least the same quality the Canon Fs2710 acquires
24x36 ones. If it could acquire from bigger (I've some really old -
around year 1932) sources, it could be better.
It's better if it supports bulk scan
Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> str = malloc (16 + 1);
> memset (str, 0, sizeof (str));
malloc+memset => calloc
should be enough. No need to zero-out memory you're going to overwrite
> The memset won't work because sizeof (str) is always 4 (on 32 bit
> platforms)
I'm new to this list (but not to Sane :-) ) and I'm having a strange
Previously I used an old RedHat + sane-1.0.4 + xsane-0.77 and all was
quite ok.
Now I've upgraded (well, reinstalled from scratch) to Mdk9.0, then
installed (from source) sane-1.0.9 (pre1, then final) and xsane-0.