The all-in-one went on sale and I decided to buy it to try it. I am
seeing the following on my linux mint katya x64 system here:
> dhdurgee at DHD-Z560 ~/Downloads $ sudo sane-find-scanner
> [sudo] password for dhdurgee:
> # sane-find-scanner will now attempt to detect your scanner. If the
Hey there,
I'm having trouble scanning using the pixma backend with a Canon imageClass
MF4150 over USB. The first scan always seem to succeed while subsequent
attempts timeout.
These are the commands I'm running.
SANE_DEBUG_PIXMA=256 scanimage 2> pixma_debug-success.log
Hello Julien,
thank you very much for your reply.
> Would you mind running these commands *as root* and sending me the
> samsung_scx_3400.txt file? These commands only collect scanner related
> information, nothing
> __
> Do not understand what commands you mean.
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