[sage-support] HPC Multi Node/Cluster Install Question

2023-08-10 Thread Andrew
I've done some research, googled around, searched though ask sage, looked at some of the thematic tutorials and have finally come to this google group (ask sage, in all fairness, never approved this post, deleted me and it, and no idea why and it was from my corporate email address? But ask a ques

[sage-support] Re: HPC Multi Node/Cluster Install Question

2023-08-10 Thread Nils Bruin
This response is very much in the "new direction or place to search" category. Sagemath's build process has been undergoing quite some changes. It used to be the case that sage-the-distribution kept virtually everything in-house, so that an install on shared folder would work great on a cluster

[sage-support] Re: HPC Multi Node/Cluster Install Question

2023-08-10 Thread Nathan Dunfield
I have used Sage extensively on a couple HPC clusters. While I used to build it from source, I use conda/mamba to install Sage: https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/installation/conda.html and strongly recommend this approach today. As for a local or shared install, Sage opens a staggeringly large

[sage-support] Re: HPC Multi Node/Cluster Install Question

2023-08-10 Thread Andrew
Thanks. That makes sense (even if it tweaks my sense of consistency) but it might more sense as MPI is built in via Python as well... but we do have conda on the cluster and it puts them in control more or less of their process. Thanks On Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 2:22:33 PM UTC-4 Nathan D