I'd like to log my entire session in sage into a file. The best solution I
found is to use log_html().
But the functions seems deprecated, and the document about it I've found is
more than a decade.
sage: log_html()
you need to import it before using:
from sage.misc.log import log_html
On Wed, 29 Apr 2020, 15:09 Jin Guu, wrote:
> I'd like to log my entire session in sage into a file. The best solution I
> found is to use log_html().
> http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/misc/sage/misc/log.html
Apology for more stupid questions. I imported and it loaded, but still
sage: from sage.misc.log import log_html
sage: log_html
sage: log_html()
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent cal
Yes, it is a bug.
I opened https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29621
On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 10:02 PM Jin Guu wrote:
> Apology for more stupid questions. I imported and it loaded, but still failed:
> sage: from sage.misc.log import log_html
> sage: log_html
> sage: log_html()
> --