On 09/09/2012 02:31 AM, akhil wrote:
> Hello,
> Given a set of m linear equations in n unknowns, how do I use SAGE to
> give me the coefficient matrix*A*(size m *n) and column vector *b*(size
> m*1) such that Ax = b; where *x*(size n*1) is the vector of unknowns ?
It depends on how those equ
sage: P. = GF(127)[]
sage: F = Sequence(P.random_element(degree=1) for _ in range(4))
sage: F.coefficient_matrix()
[43 97 14 66] [x]
[37 51 74 71] [y]
[16 86 87 71] [z]
[ 8 78 4 70], [1]
On Sunday 09 Sep 2012, akhil wrote:
> Hello,
> Given a set of m linear equations in n unknowns, h
Given a set of m linear equations in n unknowns, how do I use SAGE to give
me the coefficient matrix* A*(size m *n) and column vector *b*(size m*1)
such that Ax = b; where *x*(size n*1) is the vector of unknowns ?
Thanks a lot.
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