IMHO we should only have "foo(arg)", not "foo arg" nor "%foo arg". Even
Python is moving away from "print arg", in Python 3 you have to write
"print(arg)". Unless there is a special reason (such as: it changes how the
current cell is interpreted) we should default to function call syntax.
> In answer to your questions, "?attach" will explain what the problem is.
Cryptic! But I think in the past that syntax did indeed work. It would be
helpful for someone who really understands (which I don't) to explain the
difference between
%load filename
load filename
On Dec 12, 2014, at 10:19 , Bob Gman wrote:
> It seems too simple to be a problem for me, but:
> sage: attach "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob2_1_29.sage"
> File "", line 1
>attach "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob2_1_29.sage"
> and
> sage: load "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob
It seems too simple to be a problem for me, but:
sage: attach "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob2_1_29.sage"
File "", line 1
attach "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob2_1_29.sage"
sage: load "/home/bgman/Documents/Python/prob2_1_29.sage"
File "", line 1
load "/home/bgman/Document