We are producing study materials where it's usual to use "a + b I".
The following occurs in Sage 7.6:
sage: 1+2*I
2*I + 1
and the question is: how to rewrite the complex numbers way of printing.
I've seen it's type and maybe changing _repr_ but I have never
We have done the function be
On 2017-04-11 18:25, Pedro Cruz wrote:
sage is printing b*I + a and we want to see a + b * I
Do you have a complete example?
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Indeed there are some unconsistancies
sage: CC(1,2)
1.00 + 2.00*I
sage: CDF(1,2)
1.0 + 2.0*I
sage: QQbar.one() + 2*QQbar.gen()
2*I + 1
sage: K = QuadraticField(-1)
sage: K.one() + 2*K.gen()
2*a + 1
On 11/04/2017 18:25, Pedro Cruz wrote:
sage is printing b*I + a and we want to see a + b * I
What could we do ?
We can create a function to print it a + b*I but is any other standard way?
Thank you,
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