On Thu, 2011-07-14 at 05:32 +0200, William Stein wrote:
> Sage is probably just using some completely generic general
> implementation of "kernel" for matrices.
> There is an SVD implementation in Sage, which computes the Singular
> Value Decomposition of your matrix quickly:
> sage: M = matrix(
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 6:51 PM, hdevalence wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some trouble with some matrix calculations in SAGE. I'd
> like to find the kernel of some matrices, but I think I'm doing
> something wrong, because it's very slow.
> For example:
> sage: M = matrix(RDF, 200,400, lambda i
I'm having some trouble with some matrix calculations in SAGE. I'd
like to find the kernel of some matrices, but I think I'm doing
something wrong, because it's very slow.
For example:
sage: M = matrix(RDF, 200,400, lambda i,j: i+j)
sage: %time M.right_kernel()
CPU times: user 379.39 s, sy