On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
Could you tell more precisely what failed on the test machine?
Already did, but there is it again:
sage -pip said
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/staff/jm58660/sage-6.4/local/bin/pip", line 9, in
Hi Jori,
2014-11-27 6:10 UTC−06:00, Jori Mantysalo :
> For some reason ./sage -pip didn't work on test machine, but there was no
> problems on production server. What I did was
Could you tell more precisely what failed on the test machine?
You received this message because you are
Just for others maybe wondering this: I got this working.
For some reason ./sage -pip didn't work on test machine, but there was no
problems on production server. What I did was
$ ./sage -i pip
$ ./sage -pip install nltk
$ ./sage
sage: import nltk
sage: nltk.download()
and last as root
# chm