Hi Michael,
On 2013-01-14, Michael Beeson wrote:
> --=_Part_111_11990633.1358202706289
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> sage: K. = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN'))
> sage: R. = K[]
> sage: a = x^3-x^-3
> sage: b = x^5-x^-5
> sage: c = x^8-x^-8
Are you aware that
On Monday, January 14, 2013 2:31:46 PM UTC-8, Michael Beeson wrote:
> sage: K. = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN'))
Why not just
sage: K. = PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN')
With this change, sage doesn't hang (for me). Oh, I see, later you need
field coefficients.
sage: R. = K[]
So one problem with the original post was that the thing I was trying to
cast to a polynomial isn't a polynomial.
I should have multiplied by x^32, not x^16. The correct input works
correctly (see below). Still, attempting
to cast a rational function with too big a denominator to a polynomi
oh, never mind, this isn't the same computation as I didn't square X.
On Monday, January 14, 2013 2:54:08 PM UTC-8, Michael Beeson wrote:
> If I break the computation into smaller pieces it works OK:
> sage: K. = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN'))
>> sage: R. = K[]
>> sage: a = x^3-
If I break the computation into smaller pieces it works OK:
sage: K. = FractionField(PolynomialRing(QQ,4,'pdeN'))
> sage: R. = K[]
> sage: a = x^3-x^-3
> sage: b = x^5-x^-5
> sage: c = x^8-x^-8
> sage: X = p*a +d*b + e*c
> sage: H = R(x^8 * X)
> sage: f = H - N*b*c*x^16
> sage: f
> -N*x^29 + N*x^