David is right, you should be possible to do what you want using the
log function in the units module.
When Sage has better support for f.g. abelian groups (which is on its
way, I think) this kind of thing should be simpler to do.
John Cremona
On Jul 9, 11:55 am, davidloeffler wrote:
> On Jul
On Jul 8, 4:54 pm, mac8090 wrote:
> I'm investigating relationships between sets of fundamental units of
> complex extensions of the rationals. All the information from here
> down to the horizontal line is context, and you can probably
> understand my problem without understanding it.
> I've c
> However, I can't figure out a way to do this. Sage doesn't like me
> taking logarithms at this point, so I need to embed into RR or CC,
> which screams minkowski embedding, but I can't get it to work, because
> I don't really know what I'm doing.
I've only quickly read your email, but th