John's suggestion works for me on local sage-8.1beta 4
Le vendredi 8 septembre 2017 16:00:27 UTC+2, HG a écrit :
> @interact
> def linear_transformation(A=matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1/2]]),theta=slider(0,
> 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1, default=1)):
Le vendredi 8 septembre 2017 16:00:27 UTC+2, HG a écrit :
> @interact
> def linear_transformation(A=matrix([[1,-1],[-1,1/2]]),theta=slider(0,
> 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1, default=1)):
> v=vector([r*cos(theta), r*sin(theta)])
> w
> I know that Andrey had pushed some changes so this works in Sage cell (and it
> does on the site linked to) and it should still in sagenb - matrices and
> vectors are shortcuts for a certain type of array interact. So yes, the
> argument should be interactive, but it is recognized as such. U
> I think the problem, at least in CoCalc, is that @interact expects every
argument to the function to be an interactive device. That may well be the
problem in sagemath 8.1 too.
I know that Andrey had pushed some changes so this works in Sage cell (and
it does on the site linked to) and it sh
This doesn't work for me at all on CoCalc; it gets stuck in an infinite
loop because of the matrix A. If I move the definition of A into the body
of the loop, it seems to work. Like so:
def linear_transformation(theta=slider(0, 2*pi, .1), r=slider(0.1, 2, .1,