Thank you very much, you answered two questions : legend ones and
O=graphics() which seems to be unecessary !
tuts or tut is short for tutorials indeed.
Le samedi 24 octobre 2015 10:13:33 UTC+2, HG a écrit :
> Hi,
> I don't see this oportunity anywhere in tuts.
> That's how I used it belo
Whole cell :
O = plot(x,(x,0,1),legend_label='$xyz$')
#legend_opts = { 'back_color': 'salmon', 'shadow': False,'fancybox':
'True','fontsize': '6','loc': '1','borderaxespad': '1'};
legend_opts = { 'back_color': 'salmon' , 'shadow': False, 'fancybox':
'True', 'fontsize': '6','borderaxespad' : 1, '
Unquote the borderaxespad dict value like this :
legend_opts = { 'back_color': 'salmon' , 'shadow': False, 'fancybox':
'True', 'fontsize': '6','borderaxespad' : 1, 'loc': '1'};
otherwise (checked on cell worksheet in the SAGE cloud)
Error in lines 5-5Traceback (most recent call last):
is "tuts" a nickname for "tutorials" ?
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On Thursday, April 17, 2014 6:32:31 AM UTC-4, HG wrote:
> Hi,
> I do a plot with **params which is quiete usefull to have it as a
> compact style.
> After googling a lot I was trying to see if one can do the same with
> **legend ? or other keyword ?
> I didn't find any answer, is it poss
On Mar 9, 5:17 pm, "D. S. McNeil" wrote:
> This seems to work on (5.0.beta1) and the 5.0.beta4 I
> have around, so something (whether Sage-side or matplotlib-side) must
Confirmed that it doesn't work on (4.8) but does on, so it's presumably related to
You're right. I downloaded the most recent version of sage and
everything is fine :)
On May 25, 10:07 pm, "D. S. McNeil" wrote:
> > 1 - On 2D plots, I have been unable to use the legend() attribute and
> > the set_legend_options() attribute.
> I don't think you have those methods. I think you'