Hello Justin
thanks for this...I'm more familiar with the R help list, where
there's a very heavy emphasis on not wasting bandwidth,
and replies not much less terse than 'rtfm' are very common.
So, I'm finding the more tolerant atmosphere in sage to take some
getting used to!
best wishes
Hi, Robin,
On Sep 4, 2011, at 16:10 , robin hankin wrote:
> Hello Justin
> thanks for this.
> (I'm a linux user but currently getting to know macosx).
If you use linux, you aren't that far from (command-line) Mac OS X. It's
basically a BSD unix at that level.
> $SAGE_ROOT was null, but
Hello Justin
thanks for this.
(I'm a linux user but currently getting to know macosx).
$SAGE_ROOT was null, but I can run it from the commandline by changing
to Applications/Sage-4.7.1-OSX-64bit-10.6.app/Contents/Resources/sage/
and running ./sage.
And the integral() command seems to work but I
On Sep 4, 2011, at 14:02 , robin hankin wrote:
> Hi.
> thanks for this.
> @justin: how do I run sage from the command line? I use the
> precompiled version and am unsure how commandline sage works.
You open a Terminal window, first, and make sure that window has focus.
Next, switch to
thanks for this.
@justin: how do I run sage from the command line? I use the
precompiled version and am unsure how commandline sage works.
@kcrisman: 'maxima_console()' appears to hang, giving message:
;;; Loading #P"/tmp/sage-mac-app/local/lib/ecl/sb-bsd-sockets.fas"
;;; Loading #P"/
On Sep 1, 11:19 pm, "Justin C. Walker" wrote:
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 19:31 , robin hankin wrote:
> > Hi.
> > sage 4.7.1, macosx 10.6.8, firefox 5.0.
> > When I use the sage notebook the following happens:
> > var('x')
> > integral(exp(x),x)
> > Traceback (click to the left of this block
I have OS X 10.6.8 also but I don't have the same version of sage installed
currently as you (I have sage 4.7.2.alpha2 and 4.6.1) and I don't seem to be
able to replicate your error in both the older and the newer install. I
don't have firefox so could you please try it from the command line (i.