Thanks I found :)
I did delete .TeXmacs then I copied adriansage plugin in
/usr/share/TeXmacs/plugin and in .TeXmacs again.
Then I rebooted and saw it endly in the menu, what a wonder !
Le 02/02/2018 à 14:11, adrian a écrit :
Still some work must be done in the Sage plugin. In
Thanks you. Sorry but how to I use it ? Do I use the python's plugin ?
Or should I have an adriansage plugin in the menu (which I haven't ?
Le 02/02/2018 à 14:11, adrian a écrit :
Still some work must be done in the Sage plugin. In the meantime, the
following plugin adaptation to the Python's
Still some work must be done in the Sage plugin. In the meantime, the
following plugin adaptation to the Python's TeXmacs plugin should work in
Linux. I will try to have the Sage plugin be updated in the coming weeks,
but in the meantime you can try this one. Just extract itand put into your
I found the problem it's because I use to put two functions (f1,f2only
one needed f2) apparently it works but I have to correct my graphs.
Le 22/01/2018 à 21:59, HG a écrit :
Le lundi 22 janvier 2018 14:57:34 UTC+1, HG a écrit :
After looking in few old tickets, I can't correct
Le lundi 22 janvier 2018 14:57:34 UTC+1, HG a écrit :
> Hi,
> After looking in few old tickets, I can't correct the duplicate legend ?
> c=3e8;h=6.626*(10^-34);k = 1.281*(10^-23)
> k1=8*pi*h*c;k2=(h*c)/k
> E(l,T)=k1*(l*1e-9)^-5*(1/(exp(k2/((l*1e-9)*T))-1))
> f1=0;f2=E(l,3500);f3=E(l,40
I must be stupid : I can't see the problem... Could ypou amplify ?
Emmanuel Charpentier
Le lundi 22 janvier 2018 14:57:34 UTC+1, HG a écrit :
> Hi,
> After looking in few old tickets, I can't correct the duplicate legend ?
> c=3e8;h=6.626*(10^-34);k = 1.281*(10^-23)
> k1=8*pi*h*c;k2=(
Two years ago I made this pic in a texmacs sage session, but
unfortunatly sage doesn't work anymore with texmacs, I am reproducing it
but I have the legend problem, otherwise I think it should be even nicer
with new sage 8 xx .
Thanks for any help :)
Le 22/01/2018 à 14:57, Henri Girar