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On Oct 12, 6:39 am, CDSousa wrote:
> I noticed there is no bug in sage 7.4 ( there must be a
> track ticket., so if you don't file it, someone else has to.
> Pynac was updated to 0.2.2 (sage-4.7.1.alpha1) and then to 0.2.3
> (sage-4.7.1.alpha4) according to sage 7.4.1 change
I noticed there is no bug in sage 7.4 (
Pynac was updated to 0.2.2 (sage-4.7.1.alpha1) and then to 0.2.3
(sage-4.7.1.alpha4) according to sage 7.4.1 changelog.
Where do I fill the bug?
I've already filled a bug at the "Sage Notebook Bugreport", is it
Is it mandatory to ask for
On Oct 11, 4:16 am, CDSousa wrote:
> x = var('x'); f = function('f',x) ; s = dumps(f) ; loads(s)
> I get a "RuntimeError: unknown function 'f' in archive".
Excellent example. That's definitely a bug. You must be the first
person who tries to pickle a formal function (i.e., one without a