Le samedi 2 mars 2013 17:00:15 UTC+1, Emmanuel Charpentier a écrit :
[ An idiocy ... ]
[ Snip... ]
> Since s1 is irst-degree equation in t, this is the only real
> nonnegative maximum (it is easy to show that there is no negative
> maximum).
> Now, try brute force via the to_poly_solve solver
Dear Jose,
Le mercredi 27 février 2013 14:18:45 UTC+1, Jose Guzman a écrit :
> I am trying to find the maximun of an exponential expression of the form:
> sage: t=var('t')
> sage: g(t) = e**(-t/10)-e^(-t/2)
> between 0 and say 50. My idea is to get the maximun to normalize the
> function