On Dec 1, 8:35 pm, BFJ wrote:
> The part of the reference manual under Pi Axis is relevant:
> Pi Axis:
> sage: g1 = plot(sin(x), 0, 2*pi)
> sage: g2 = plot(cos(x), 0, 2*pi, linestyle = "--")
> sage: (g1+g2).show(ticks=pi/6, tick_formatter=pi) # show their sum,
> nicely formatted
Yes, this
The part of the reference manual under Pi Axis is relevant:
Pi Axis:
sage: g1 = plot(sin(x), 0, 2*pi)
sage: g2 = plot(cos(x), 0, 2*pi, linestyle = "--")
sage: (g1+g2).show(ticks=pi/6, tick_formatter=pi) # show their sum,
nicely formatted
On Nov 30, 3:36 pm, David Joyner wrote:
> Does the pag