On 27 March 2011 16:52, Martin Albrecht wrote:
> AFAIK, there's no nice, Python-ic way to do this in Sage yet, since the
> relevant functionality of Singular has not been properly wrapped yet.
> See
> http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/3-1-2/sing_131.htm#SEC171
> for Singular's module ca
Sorry for replying to myself what i am asking is there capacity in
sage to replicate the magma code:
>R := PolynomialRing(RationalField(), 3);
>M := EModule(R, 2);
>S := sub;
>a := M ! [y+1, z];
>a in S;
>b := M ! [y+1, z+x];
>b in S;
On 27 March 2011 13:34, Robert Goss
AFAIK, there's no nice, Python-ic way to do this in Sage yet, since the
relevant functionality of Singular has not been properly wrapped yet.
for Singular's module capabilities. You can interact with Singular directly in