On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 11:04 PM, kcrisman wrote:
> I think the original poster is asking if it's possible to have Sage do
> something like this:
> sage: a=unevaluated_integral(x^2,(x,0,1))
> sage: a
> integral(x^2,(x,0,1))
> sage: a.evaluate()
> 1/3
> But I don't think anything like this i
I think the original poster is asking if it's possible to have Sage do
something like this:
sage: a=unevaluated_integral(x^2,(x,0,1))
sage: a
sage: a.evaluate()
But I don't think anything like this is currently possible, though I
would be happy to be proved wrong.
- kc
In a sage notebook one can write:
$\int_a^b x dx$
to *see the integral*.
Or is other problem?
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