You might also find some of the differential equation interact
examples helpful, there are three that relate to Euler's method:
-M. Hampton
On Sep 24, 12:52 pm, Jaasiel Ornelas wrote:
> wow, Iwas trying to figure out how to do exactly what you did, but
> but I don't know why Sage will not evaluate the cos and
> sin terms, so you end up with a long messy hybrid
> symbolic/numberical expression.
Just FYI, this is changed in the new Pynac package (0.1.9) which will
most likely end up in Sage 4.1.2. It's not clear to me when this
changed -
wow, Iwas trying to figure out how to do exactly what you did, but I
don't know how to program.
Thx, now I have something to base myself off.
On Sep 24, 11:43 am, David Joyner wrote:
> You could try
> x,y = var("x,y")
> dy_dxB(x,y) = cos(x) - sin(x) - y
> eulers_method(dy_dxB,0,2,0.1,3)
> b
You could try
x,y = var("x,y")
dy_dxB(x,y) = cos(x) - sin(x) - y
but I don't know why Sage will not evaluate the cos and
sin terms, so you end up with a long messy hybrid
symbolic/numberical expression.
If you use instead
eulers_method(dy_dxB,0,2,0.1,3, method=