Thanks kcrisman!!!
Maybe the choice of the function sin(x)/x was not a good one...i would
to extend the derivation for generally integral function (F(x)=int_a^x
g(t)dt) where does't exist a primitive of g. I try with some function
and my procedure seems to work.
On 27 Gen, 14:41, kcrisman
On Jan 27, 7:51 am, Andrea Gobbi wrote:
> Hi!
> Maybe I resolve it...:
> def deriv(self, *args,**kwds): print args, kwds; return w(x)
> f(x)=-x*x*x+1
> w(x)=sin(x)/x
> tc=3
> def ef(self,x,parent=None):
> return numerical_integral(w,tc,x)[0]
> g=function('g',nargs=1,evalf_func=ef,derivativ