kcrisman wrote:
> On Sep 27, 10:48 pm, Marshall Hampton wrote:
>> I don't think there is such a thing in Sage right now, but its not
>> hard to make something like that. For example:
>> def pline(rt_list):
>> '''
>> Returns line segments passing through the given list of points
On Sep 27, 10:48 pm, Marshall Hampton wrote:
> I don't think there is such a thing in Sage right now, but its not
> hard to make something like that. For example:
> def pline(rt_list):
> '''
> Returns line segments passing through the given list of points
> in polar coordinates.
I don't think there is such a thing in Sage right now, but its not
hard to make something like that. For example:
def pline(rt_list):
Returns line segments passing through the given list of points
in polar coordinates.
cart_list = [[x[0]*cos(x[1]),x[0]*sin(x[1])] for
I forgot to mention that in polar coordinates, it would be something
like line([(0.9,theta), (1.1, theta)]) which is more convenient.
Alexandre Blondin Massé
On 27 sep, 18:02, ablondin wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I think I'm not looking correctly, but is there any way to use the
> circle, line,