I didn't not understand your question, I am french.
But I use show(LatexExpr(r" c'est \ en \ français") ) for the text
show(LatexExpr(r" \sqrt x^2") ) for maths and I obtain nice things
Le 03/11/2021 à 09:17, 'Martin R' via sage-support a écrit :
Sorry for answering my own question.
It seems
Sorry for answering my own question.
It seems that
sage: P = Poset([[1,2,3,4], [[1,2], [2,3], [1,4]]])
sage: e = {i: LatexExpr("q^%s" % i) for i in P}
sage: c = {(i,j): LatexExpr("%s^%s" % (i, j)) for i, j in
sage: H = P.hasse_diagram()
sage: [H.set_edge_label(v1, v2, c[(v