On Wednesday, August 10, 2016, Todd Zimmerman
> I assumed that SageMath converts the functions into symbolic expressions.
> If I enter the following it will work:
> f=lambda x: x*sin(x)
> diff(f(x),x)
f is a python function
f(x) is a symbolic expression - the result of calling f wi
On Wednesday, August 10, 2016, Todd Zimmerman
> I'm aware of the difference between the two approaches in vanilla Python,
> I was just trying to figure out if SageMath treats the two differently.
No it doesn't.
> You can integrate and differentiate both types of functions in Sage
On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 7:36 AM, Todd Zimmerman
> Is there any significant difference in SageMath between defining a function
> using lambda vs. defining it using 'def ...:'? Both situations result in
> functions that can be differentiated, integrated, etc so I'm not sure if
> there is any
Is there any significant difference in SageMath between defining a function
using lambda vs. defining it using 'def ...:'? Both situations result in
functions that can be differentiated, integrated, etc so I'm not sure if
there is any functional difference between the two methods in SageMath.