> I am trying to solve the following equation:
> sage: f(x)=((1-0.15)/(1-0.15+(0.15/(1-x*0.15)^22)))^3-x
When writing 15/100 instead 0.15 it outputs:
[x == 0.302350301169,
x == (0.67362336338 + 0.678659962463*I),
x == (0.67362336338 - 0.678659962463*I)]
Although solve only accepts from t
> Does that provide all of the Sage functionality ?
I am not an experienced user of sage but i can tell the following:
The following import statement is needed: from sage.all import *,
and one has to be careful with some notation: x^2 --> x **2 and
1/2 --> RealNumber(1)/2 (or something similar).
> I think the problem here is that .gif is not a recognized image format.
> Try .png instead.
Thanks for the suggestion but p.save("Test.png") also doesn't work.
The following code:
p=implicit_plot3d(x*y+z^2==0, (x, -3, 3), (y, -3, 3), (z, -3,
Thanks for all the replies.
>> I think this is a bug in the animate command,
>> it just can't handle 3d objects right now.
> animate was written long, long before there were 3d objects in sage...
If Graphics3d object would inherit Graphics object then animate would work?
I could make an ani