> > > > sage_stuff = sage_eval(expr, locals = {'dx' = 'dx'})
> > > It's {'dx':'dx'} or something like that. Definitely not 'dx' = 'dx'.
> > > > where expr is your mathematica expres
Hi Viny,
Sage's mathematica support at present seems to be geared towards
sending data to mathematica and printing the results to the screen,
rather than getting mathematica's results back into sage for data
manipulation. So the going may be a little rough.
Sage can convert its own arrays into
On Mar 5, 4:40 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> thelamecamel wrote:
> > I no longer think it's a problem with the interface to mathematica - I
> > can print the output from mathematica before and after doing the
> > replace()s, and the corruption definitely happens between th
On Mar 4, 2:34 am, Jason Grout wrote:
> My guess is it is a problem with the pexpect interface with Mathematica.
I no longer think it's a problem with the interface to mathematica - I
can print the output from mathematica before and after doing the
replace()s, and the corruption definitely happe
On Mar 3, 4:46 am, Jason Grout wrote:
> You are missing a closing bracket and comma at the end of this line
> (i.e., "],"). The number looks a little smaller as well. Was something
> chopped off?
> Jason
Oh man, that's what's happening. When I print another failing string
from mathematica,
Hi guys,
For the benefit of others stuck as I was, or for those working on the
ticket, here's a simplified version of what's been working for me over
the last few months:
res = mathematica(mathcommand)
res_s = repr(res).replace('{','[').replace('}',']').replace
('*^','e').replace('\n','') #Conve
Thanks all for speedy help!
On Jan 7, 4:25 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> These are not the right way to do this, but they seem to give results
> for right now, at least until someone fixes this:
> sage: a=mathematica([1,2,3])
> sage: [a[i] for i in range(1,a.Length()+1)]
> [1, 2, 3]
> Or
> sage
I have inherited a numerical simulation program a few thousand lines
long, written in Mathematica (and fortran via mathlink) into Sage. I
am fed up with Mathematica as a programming language and would like to
replace this with python code, to be run in sage. As an intermediate
stage I was h