thanks Marshall,
I tried viewer option but this is not working for me (firefox,ubuntu)
even if it is already better than a yellow warning.
I used example from video3 of
def f(x,y): return sin(x-y)*y*cos(x)
but all I see is a
I'm trying to install sage4.6 on a modest eeepc and I've decided to
not install any Java prog for memory reasons. All is perfect since
mostly everything is included, except plot3d.
Do you know any non-java project I can benefit from to get the basic
functionalities of plot3d (display, shadows,
>Or is there a way to access the content of a variable, when you only
>have a string with its name?
'Eval' can do that :
def ashow(v):
Hope that helps
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Thank you.
I didn't know I could use $ ... $
Indeed, the result looks better.
In the other hand, is there any difference between $$ ... $$ and ... ?
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sage: factor(limit(expr(x),x=infinity))
SAGE doesn't know anymore that exp() is strictly ascending.
(assume(b<0) doesn't work anymore)
On 22 sep, 12:30, kkwweett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(where is my my last post ?)
you can indirectly get :
| SAGE Version 3.1.1 ...
| Type notebook()
sage: var('a b t x')
(a, b, t, x)
sage: assume(b<0)
sage: expr(x)=integral(exp(-2*I*pi*(a+I*b)*t),t,0,x)
sage: factor(limit(expr
you can indirectly get
> ./sage
| SAGE Version 3.1.1 ...
| Type notebook() ...
sage: var('a b t x')
(a, b, t, x)
sage: assume(b<0)
sage: expr(x)=integral(exp(-2*I*pi*(a+I*b)*t),t,0,x)
sage: factor(limit(expr(x),x=infinity))