On Mar 9, 6:32 pm, gsage wrote:
> I extracted atom binary on my eeepc 900A. The following error message
> occurs
> Error setting environment variables by running /home/net/documents/
> python programs/sage-3.2.3-ubuntu-Intel_AtomN270-Netbook-i686-Linux/
> local/bin/
I extracted atom binary on my eeepc 900A. The following error message
Error setting environment variables by running /home/net/documents/
python programs/sage-3.2.3-ubuntu-Intel_AtomN270-Netbook-i686-Linux/
local/bin/sage-env; possibly contact sage-devel (see
> That is quite interesting. The problem in the faq indicated a
> potential filename problem. But that seems rather unlikely after you
> moved your $SAGE_ROOT to tmp. Any chance your username or hostname has
> any odd characters in it? I am thinking about anything that is not 7-
> bit ASCII.
> Can you do a "pwd" in $SAGE_ROOT and post the output here. Please also
> try moving $SAGE_ROOT to /tmp and try again.
moved folder "sage-2.8.2" to /tmp and did a pwd:
running sage in tmp produces same error messages.
I'll look further in the "non-utf chars" faq stuff.
> (1) Does the file SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage-maxima.lisp exist?
> (2) What happens if you do:
>sage: !maxima -p "$SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage-maxima.lisp"
sage: !maxima -p "$SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage-maxima.lisp"
*** - invalid byte sequence #xC0 #x01 in CHARSET:UTF-8 conversion
The follo
I d/l the source and it compiled fine. However, Sage could not start
Here's the error message from the command line:
sage: sqrt(4)
Timeout exceeded in read_nonblocking().
version: 2.0 ($Revision: 1.151 $)
command: /home/myhome/Desktop/sage-2.8.2/local/bin/maxima
args: ['/home/myhome/
> http://sagemath.org/SAGEbin/linux/32bit/sage-2.8.2-OLD-32bit-i686-Lin...
> On 8/25/07, gsage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Aug 25, 2:28 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 8/25/07, gsage <[EMAIL PROT
On Aug 25, 2:28 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/25/07, gsage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm using Kubuntu. I used the binary Sage to run. It all runs fine
> > both cli & browser, however, it fails to run Maxi
I'm using Kubuntu. I used the binary Sage to run. It all runs fine
both cli & browser, however, it fails to run Maxima.
The error message is "RuntimeError: Unable to start maxima".
I can run maxima manually within the Sage folder. I'm assuming the
path is not set right, but don't know where to s