Most of the normalisation of modular symbols was introduced by me so let me
There are currently two ways of computing modular symbols, one using eclib
and the other the native sage implementation. Both are only correct up to a
scaling factor. That is because their main use was as gene
> but Sage says " name 'ans' is not defined".
That looks like a bug that - I believe - was fixed in 6.1. So maybe you
should upgrade to the newest version. However in 6.1 this also yields an
error, the one explained by David.
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On Thursday, 17 October 2013 11:12:42 UTC+1, Georgi Guninski wrote:
> E=EllipticCurve(QQ,[-100,0])
> sha=E.sha()
> sha.an_padic(13)
> > padic_prec = max(bounds[1:]) + 5
> ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
Oooops. That is clearly a bug in something I have written. I will fix th
No - because sqrt is multivalued, the answer can be, and in this case is,
> multivalued: sometimes true and sometimes false. This isn't desperately
> helpful, or course, and can be cast in other ways in terms of the defect
> If a boolean is "sometimes true and sometimes false" it is false and
> Because square root is multivalued.
Even so, I would consider this to be wrong for
a) I don't want my students to think it is true and
b) the left hand side is two-valued while the right hand
side is four-valued and hence they do not agree as
multi-valued functions. (This objec
> sage: import sage.misc.stopgap
> sage: sage.misc.stopgap.set_state(False)
Thanks a lot that is what I was looking for.
> Strange, though - I thought that individual stopgap warnings are only
> supposed to display once, and then become invisible until you restart Sage
Is there a way to turn off stopgaps ?
I know I should not, but my script uses 100 of times the evaluation of a
function (heights on elliptic curves over number fields) but checks if the
error occurs by itself. So I would prefer not to see all the warnings
because I am warned already.
Hello Jack,
typically you want
sage: E = EllipticCurve("11a1")
sage: m = 5
sage: ms = E.modular_symbol()
sage: chi = DirichletGroup(m).0
sage: chi
Dirichlet character modulo 5 of conductor 5 mapping 2 |--> zeta4
sage: sum( (chi^2)(a) * ms(a/m) for a in [1..(m-1)] )
The symbol ms is already d
> > A related question: is it possible to catch an exception if there is a
> > time out?
I think there should be. The timeout process should raise an exception
which can be catch. Right now, one can catch that it sends back a
string 'NO DATA (timed out)' rather than a result. So the following
> There is a patch at
> which adds support for Gaussian integers.
... and which could be easily adapted to work with Eisenstein
integers, I believe.
Note also that pari has Gaussian Integers and I am sure their
implementation is better than mine,
Let link the discussion to the old ticket :
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I have written the code that computes the torsion of an elliptic over
a number field. See trac Ticket #3377.
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I actually started to implement this at some point, but I gave up
when I realised that there was no 'reduction' of the curve at places
of the number field. I will have look at this now, maybe I can do it
Once one has bounded the possible torsion, it could be better to
compute a complex ap
Trying to draw some simple graphics, I could not find how to change
the order in which the different graphics primitives are plotted. E.g.
li= line([[-1,-1],[2,2]],thickness=5)
Pt = point([1,1],pointsize=300,rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
will give the same pl
> This SELinux problem has come up with Sage about 10 times before.
> Disabling SElinux always fixes the problem.
> Nobody has ever spent time actually trying to fix this problem -- I don't
> know if it's just PARI or much more that causes the problems (i.e., if you
> fixed whatever PARI does in
Nope, I compiled again with the missing dependencies now installed.
There were no more errors in install.log.
Also the line
ldconfig: /maths/staff/pmzcw/prog/sage- is not a symbolic link
disappeared in install.log.
But the answer
: /local/pmzcw/prog/sage/l
I compiled from source on a Redhat Linux, more precisely:
Linux onrah 2.6.18-8.1.8.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jul 10 06:50:22 EDT 2007 i686
i686 i386 GNU/Linux
gcc version 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52)
and I did not spot any errors then. Now browsing through the log-file
I found that the compilation
Hi out there, can anyone tell me why I get this error.
I get the same error when trying to start the 'gp' from sage.
| SAGE Version, Release Date: 2007-09-26 |
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