around it?
Thanks again for the help,
On Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 6:19:12 PM UTC+1 Sam Ratcliffe wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thank you for the assistance! I am in the process of performing repeated
> experiments in which I extract the key bits from the ideal/Groebner basis,
>> >> sage: P = sr.vector([0, 0, 1, 0])
>> >> sage: C = sr.vector([1, 0, 0, 0])
>> >> sage: F,s = sr.polynomial_system(P=P, C=C)
>> >> sage: G = F.groebner_basis() # this succeeds
>> >> sage: G.ideal().variety()
I am using SageMath's implementation of SR and encountered the above error
when trying to display the solutions to a polynomial system using the
variety function for ideals, as specified
I am running SageMath
I am using the SageMath implementation of SR and wish to recover all
solutions to a polynomial system using the variety function for ideals as
When I run the following (as available on the above link