[sage-support] parametric_plot
Hello, I'm trying to recreate a plot that I did in Maple P := (x, y) -> WeierstrassP(x + y*I, 1, 0); PP := (x, y) -> WeierstrassPPrime(x + y*I, 1, 0); IR := (theta, z) -> cos(theta)*Re(z) + sin(theta)*Im(z); Gr1 := theta -> [[Re(P(x, y)), Im(P(x, y)), 0.3*IR(theta, PP(x, y))], x = 0.001 .. 3.74,
[sage-support] Re: Directly saving html file of Three.js graphic
Hi, There's a bug in 9.3, I don't know how to use Sage trac so I'm posting here. When I use the save option I get an html with: