Interesting, I'll have a look, thanks!
On Sunday, 12 March 2017 23:31:56 UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 11:49:11 AM UTC, Peleg Michaeli wrote:
>> I would like to iterate over *distinct* subgraphs (isomorphic to a graph
I would like to iterate over *distinct* subgraphs (isomorphic to a graph H)
of a given graph G. So, for example, the number of 3-cycles such an
iterator will yield for the 3-cycle is 1 (and not 6, like
`.subgraph_search_iterator` yields).
Clearly, for a given set of vertices I can check gra
Is there any way to calculate the chromatic number of multigraphs in sage?
The method `graph_coloring.edge_coloring` raises
ValueError: This method is not known to work on graphs with multiedges.
Perhaps this method can be updated to handle them, but in the meantime if
you want to use it p
So... I couldn't really follow: should I open a new ticket, or should it be
solved by integrating the new maxima?
On Sunday, 22 January 2017 19:37:50 UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 4:13:53 PM UTC, William wrote:
>> On Sun, J
sage: ((2^(2*x+1)+(2^x*x^100)^(3/2))/(4^x-100*2^x)).limit(x=infinity)
This is a wrong answer. It should be 2.
Replacing 3/2 in the power by 1, 2, or 3 (at least) gives correct answers
(2, inf, inf). Replacing it by 5/2 given a wrong answer again.
Is this related to a known bug?
I am trying to solve the following equation:
-1/2*sqrt(-4*p^2 + 4*p + 1)*p + 1/2*p = 1/2
I was trying the following:
sage: var('p')
sage: solve(-1/2*sqrt(-4*p^2 + 4*p + 1)*p + 1/2*p == 1/2, p)
[p == -1/(sqrt(-4*p^2 + 4*p + 1) - 1)]
So the solution is p = some expression of p. Not very use
ning a direct solution, you can cheat with
> sage: matrix(QQ, 3, 3, lambda i,j: g(i,j))
> Or even more directly with
> sage: matrix(QQ, 3, 3, lambda i,j: f(i,j,7))
> Vincent
> Le 21/12/2016 à 13:29, Peleg Michaeli a écrit :
> > The matrix (or Matrix)
The matrix (or Matrix) documentation reads:
* "ring" -- the base ring for the entries of the matrix.
* "nrows" -- the number of rows in the matrix.
* "ncols" -- the number of columns in the matrix.
* "sparse" -- create a sparse matrix. This defaults to "True"
when th