chu-ching huang wrote:
> Sage plugins is similar to python plugins. They support the function
> "ps_out()"
> to embed the graph output (postscript format) into TeXmacs worksheet.
> Best regards,
> cch
Thanks cch for your quick answer. The procedure is not working. This is
Hi all,
My preferred interface for Sage is TeXmacs (in fact is my preferred
interface for writing in general). The show() directive is the more
general directive for redering graphical objects in Sage and I can call
it inside a TeXmacs session of Sage but all the graphics rendered are
Bill Page escribió:
>> [ x ] No, I can read the above just fine. It is crystal clear.
> ... but of course unnecessarily verbose. In my opinion a more common
> notation in Sage:
> sage: x=2*vector(range(10))+vector(10*[3])
> sage: list_plot(map(lambda a:[cos(a),sin(a)],x/max(x)))
Hi all,
I have been working successfully with the last version binary version of
Sage on Arch Linux. And old problem was solved now and was related with
the empty jsmol screen for plots. It seems that it was related with the
java version on Linux. With openjdk6 I got the problem but with jre i