Thanks William.
That did the trick!
... JoelS
On Jun 15, 3:58 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:35 PM, JoelS wrote:
> > Since version 3.4 or so I haven't been able to either upload
> > worksheets to my Sage notebook nor download from the noteb
sh: line 1: /sw/bin/tar: cannot execute binary file
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated --- JoelS
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I've been having the same problem with both 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 on my
Intel MacBook running OS X.4.11.
kcrisman wrote:
> Dear Support,
> I built 3.2.2 and seem to have a worsening of the auto-evaluation of
> @interact worksheets. Up to 3.2.1 the worksheets only autoevalua
I found the same problem using SAGE 3.0 on a MacBook running OS X.
4.11. Same behavior in both command line and notebook.
Here's the error report that resulted from trying to plot from command
sage: plot(sin(x),0,10)