My question is: which component am I using?
I am doing the following:
x, y, z = var('x, y, z')
and similar.
Platform: macOS 12.5.1
SageMath version 9.4, Release Date: 2021-08-22
Thank you
You received
Thanks a lot, Simon!
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 4:33:48 AM UTC+2, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Georg,
> On 2015-06-02, ggrafendorfer >
> wrote:
> > sage: g(x) = x^2 - 26*x -9
> > sage: g.factor()
> > x^2 - 26*x - 9
> First of all,
> > not import the commands automatically into Sage.
> +1
> There should be a directory "edu" here:
> SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage
> Right now, there isn't.
What can i do to put e.g. a function "showsteps_det()" in the
directory SAGE_RO
in a modul for
educational purposes. Wolfram alpha does that e.g. for derivatives
("More steps").
What do you think about this?
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rt LatexExpr
> return LatexExpr(res)
> and when you call \sage{sarrus(A)}, you must put in between
> dollar signs. Feel free to ask further if it doesn't solve your
> problem !
Thanks, that is exactly what i was looking for.
> On 6 mai, 10:29, "Georg Dam
doesn't work too, because the problem is that sagetex is putting the
string in some kind of (typewriter-)enviroment. After some
experimentation i found a possible solution is to replace "\cdot"
with "$\cdot$". It doesn't look nice, but better than before.
Hi all,
i've written a function to explain the rule of sarrus. Is there a
possibility to return latex code insted of a text? I'd like to use
something like $\sage{sarrus(A)}$ in sagetex.
Thanks a lot,
P.S.: I expirimented with JSMathExpr from sage.misc.latex, but i
>> * Does \visible help?
I was wrong. Tried it again in a new tex-file and it solved my
Sorry for the noise.
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; * Does \visible help?
No. \visible is ignored.
> * Do you have any reason to insert png graphics? Vector graphics
> would produce much better result.
Thanks for the hint. (It' a relict of the 3d-plots in this chapter).
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Am Dienstag, 30. März 2010 19:09:32 schrieb Harald Schilly:
> On Mar 30, 6:51 pm, "Dr. Georg Damm" wrote:
> > is there a way to use beamer overlays ( includegraphics<3->...
> > ) with sageplot?
> Hi, could you please elaborate a bit more what you try to
Am Dienstag, 30. März 2010 19:09:32 schrieb Harald Schilly:
> On Mar 30, 6:51 pm, "Dr. Georg Damm" wrote:
> > is there a way to use beamer overlays ( includegraphics<3->...
> > ) with sageplot?
> Hi, could you please elaborate a bit more what you try to
is there a way to use beamer overlays ( includegraphics<3->... )
with sageplot?
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a sage (4.3.3) notebook shows the correct picture of
The save method ignores the ymin parameter:
Is this a bug or a feature?
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images that look like static
> > unless you cross your eyes just right?
> Sage (via Jmol) can do both. Right click on the applet for a
> menu. You can then save the image via the "get image" (or
> something like that) button.
Yes, but i wondered if this could be
responding environment variable is then PYTHONPATH,
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Thanks Burcin,
Adding the path to SAGE_PATH works fine, that's the solution I was
looking for,
On 30 Sep., 20:22, Burcin Erocal wrote:
> Hi Georg,
> On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 11:07:11 -0700 (PDT)
> ggrafendorfer wrote:
> > I would like to import my own
Thanks a lot, both for the explanation and the solution! globals() did
the trick for me.
On Dec 22, 4:19 pm, "Mike Hansen" wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Timothy Clemans
> wrote:
> > sage: sage0("var('a b c')")
> > (
A quick question: If one is given a variable name as a string s, how
can one assign a symbolic expression to it? Here is what I try that
doesn't work:
var('a b c')
s = "a"
eval(s + " = b/c")
Traceback (most recent call last):
a = b/c
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> That definitely looks like a bug in the preparser. Do report
> it to trac.
> William
Do you mean that I should report it to trac?
If yes, no problem, I just never did it, no experience,
what priority?
what milestone?
shall I ch
File "/home/georg/.sage/temp/HILBERT/30804/
line 7
__time__=misc.cputime(); __wall__=misc.walltime(); = RDF(time);
print "Time: CPU %.2f s, Wall: %.2f
the latter obviously can't be avoided
since fixed precision reals do not form a field ...
thanks, Georg
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For more
mpfr', so if I write for example 'sqrt(5. + RDF(5))' and 'sqrt(RDF(5)
+ 5.)', does sage rely on the correctnes of both implementations of
sqrt (one from gsl, one from mpfr) to be comutative?
thanks, Georg
To pos
prec=53) * RDF(pi))
sage: type(5.n(prec=54) * RDF(pi))
especially the last one, should'nt that be coerced to a mpfr type of
53 Bit precision or is there a rule like coerce to the type with lower
precision and if both are of same precision
if you want to stay in pure python do this:
Python 2.4.4 (#2, Apr 15 2008, 23:43:20)
[GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> for x in
th kindest regards,
-- Forwarded message --
Hi Georg !
Over the last few years, I have become used to the Physics Package of
Maple which enables one to use bras, kets, annihilation operators and
other objects for Physics. Is it possible to get equivalent
definitions in Sage f
return str(key) + '=' + str(args[key])
the following unfortunately does not work as one might expect at the
very first sight:
>>> def bshow(a):
... ashow(a=a)
>>> bshow(c)
a = 345.45
To post to
There is something wrong with the order and release dates of the last
three releases of sage on
and of course on all it's mirrors.
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On page 3:
There is the following line:
If you type view(f.diff('x')) another window ...
f.diff('x') does not work, it works if f is of type
like in the example below, but it does not work if f is of type
in this case just f.dif
This is interesting. I guess one way to represent numbers with units
is as Laurent monomials with the number as coefficient and the units
as symbols. This seems to fit in the framework for symbolic
expressions. There will be various predefined relations between these
monomials like 1000*m = 1*km.
You can use the plot_vector_field command:
# Declare your variables:
var('x t')
# Define you function, for instance:
def f(t,x):
return t*x
# Plot the associated vector field:
plot_vector_field((lambda t, x: 1, f(t,x)), (-1, 1), (-2, 2))
There seems to be something awry, however, compare
Actually, I think this would be very nice to have. (Infinite)
continued fractions pop up everywhere (I recently saw them in the
resolution of toric singularities!). Moreover, they are so easy to
understand that they also pop up in popular scientific math questions,
like at Project Euler.
So yes,
, 6:23 pm, Georg Muntingh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just installed Sage 2.11 on an old computer that I upgraded to
> > Ubuntu Gutsy a couple of hours before. Any idea what's wrong?
k for 4x4 matrices, try
sage: r = matrix(SR, 4, 4, [[21,17,6,8], [-5,-1,-6,-3], [4,4,16,2],
sage: r.exp()
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I just installed Sage 2.11 on an old computer that I upgraded to
Ubuntu Gutsy a couple of hours before. Any idea what's wrong?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Apps/sage-2.11-ubuntu32-intel-i686-Linux$ ./sage
| SAGE Version 2.11, Release D
rkaround, just x^T A y
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it's planned to implement this
function anyway, thank you very much for considering my request,
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For mo
= srange(-100, 300, 10)
sage: y = [cos(a) for a in x]
sage: p.plot(x, y, 'go')
sage: p.savefig('plot.png')
instead of the last two lines you can also use sage's plotting
functions and objects,
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for i in s.srange(Integer(1), k):
Is this a desired behaviour of srange??
Btw, i would appreciate a .exp() method for matrixes...
Thank you very much, Georg
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[0.0 0.0]
[0.0 0.0]
sage: matmulspyx(D)
[0.000 0.000]
[0.000 0.000]
Must be a bug, or?
thanks, Georg
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quot;save(M, 'foo')
<__main__.BMV instance at 0xb246b92c>
Traceback (most recent call
in ()
4 print M
> 6 save
M = BMV()
sage: load "example.sage"
Traceback (most recent call
in ()
11 M =
Another drawback is as far as I experienced that from a normal script
you can't load and compile files with a .spyx ending (tutorial section
5.2 "creating compiled code") by inserting the line
load "file.spyx"
into your script
I hope this helps a bit,...
ep in mind that the limit value of a function at a certain
point is completly independent of the function value of this function
at this point, there even does not have to exist a function value at
all at this certain point, these notions (limit value and function
value) at a certain point are compl
sage: Rational(0)^Rational(0)
Traceback (most recent call
/home/georg/ in ()
/home/georg/rational.pyx in sage.rings.rational.Rational.__pow__()
: 0^0 is undefined.
should not be, or?
Traceback (most recent call
/home/georg/ in ()
/home/georg/sage_object.pyx in sage.structure.sage_object.save()
: 'list' object has no attribute
sage: save(5, './foo/foo')
sage: b = load('foo/foo')
sage: b
Looks like a bug
round, at least not for the most obvious
one (taking the square root of x and using .nearby_rational with
adjusted tolerance...),
may this method could be useful for others, too
Thanks, Georg
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Oh yeah, that's a usefull hint,
thank you very much Paul,
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factorial(k) <=1
or, more generally (b, c, d positive constants, c > d)
b^k / (factorial(k) * (k + c - d)^d) <= 1
many thanks in advance, Georg
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is there an efficient way in sage to find the smallest integer k to
meet (b constant)
b^(k+1) / (factorial(k) * factorial(k+1)) <= 1
b^k / factorial(k) <=1
or, more generally (b, c, d positive constants, c > d)
b^k / (factorial(k) * (k + c - d)^d) <= 1
many thanks in ad
t;#!/usr/bin/env sage" i expect 2^8 to be wrapped to 2**8, or?
typing "/usr/bin/env sage" on the shell command line brings me to the
sage prompt whereas "/usr/bin/env sage-python" brings me to the python
promp, so in OS X both commands bring you to the same prompt?
OK, i'm already a bit confused, and i don't know any more what your
requesting exactly, so i will repeat some things:
The file with the name ./example.sage
#!/home/georg/Daten/.System/bin/sage/sage -python
import sys
gives me that strange mouse behaviour where the mouse point
OK, thanks, so sage-python just refers to the "sage-version" of python
instead of the systems own python version and nothing else !?
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#!/path/to/sage_root/local/bin/sage -python
bash: ./exp1.sage: /home/georg/Daten/.System/bin/sage/local/bin/sage: bad
interpreter: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden = file or directory not found,
i.e the same behauviour as without the "loca
Hi Robert, excuse me for the response delay, i did not notice your question,
> #!/path/to/sage_root/local/bin/sage-python
> work?
no, the output is in both cases (sage -python as well as sage-python):
bash: ./exp1.sage: /home/georg/Daten/.System/bin/sage/local/bin: bad
oblem that "#!/usr/bin/env sage -python" as
first line (note the space between sage and -python) does not work on
my system (Debian Etch)...
thanks, Georg
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works, i mentioned this in my previous posting,
does not work, but maybe that's not important,
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Hopefully this helps, although I have a feeling this thread isn't
> over...
Anyway, at least i found a partial solution to carry on with, but it seems
as there are still some things to clarify, especially the mouse thing
concerning the import sys
Thank you very much,
(left or right) brings back
the shell command line prompt, no output at all, and the mouse
pointer turns to normal again...
runnin the script:
#!/path/to/sage/sage -python
a = "Hello"
./BMV.sage: line 2: a: command not found
the script from the tutorial, literally:
rrent documentation
i did'nt know that in Australia clocks are ticking the other way around :-)
i would like to encourage you to the solution with right and left, just
kernel defaulting to right as everyone (except australians) would expect.
> Hi Georg,
> thanks for your interest in SAGE. If you want, you can help SAGE
> become part of Debian here:
> http://wiki.sagemath.org/DebianSAGE
> it's a lot of work and we always need more people. :)
> Ondrej
Hi Ondrej,
I'm definitely prepared
no, there was no ssh-keygen installed, after installation (on Debian
Etch ssh-keygen is provided by the package ssh-client) it works
perfectly now without options, just notebook(),
this should be annotated in the installation manual in the list of
required packages,
and the possibility notebook(s
Thank you very much, for the time being i'm happy with this solutions,
no untrusted people around :-)
by the way, i first tried the precompiled binary 2.8.13 which did not
spacemaster:/mnt/data/georg/.System/bin/sage-2.8.13-i686-Linux# .
Thanks for your quick respond, and
yes, both works, firefox opens a new tab with a notebook which seems
to work, i have to get used to it first...
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d notebook, you must first run
Now running notebook.setup()
Using dsage certificates.
Generating public/private key pair for authentication...
Your key will be stored in /home/georg/.sage/dsage/dsage_key
Just hit enter when promp
64 matches
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