> On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 12:11:52 AM UTC+2, Volker Braun wrote:
>> You have a file named "" in the current working directory. A
>> workaround is to start Sage in a different directory.
Hello everyone,
I'm facing an error with the question mark after any kind of function. Here
is an error log with 'PolynomialRing' :
I cannot access the documentation with '?' but it works with :
sage: help(PolynomialRing)
I'm running Manj
That's exactly what I wanted to do
f = F([omega],check=False)
Thank you :)
Le jeudi 8 mai 2014 08:16:41 UTC+2, Martin Albrecht a écrit :
> Hi Nils,
> On Wednesday 07 May 2014 16:43:03 Nils Bruin wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 7, 2014 9:58:48 AM UTC-7, François Col
Hello group,
I am playing with rings which look like K = Q[X]/ with any large
value m. Unfortunately I cannot use NumberField() because it's too long. I
get around this by using quotient which is a little bit faster:
m = 3*5*7*11
Q. = QQ['x']
Phi_m = cyclotomic_polynomial(m)
K. = Q.quotient(Phi