On May 3, 1:00 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> At one point, some people were experimenting also with using GPU to
> speed up linear algebra, but I don't think any code made it into Sage.
There are trac tickets for this at #10009 and #10010 for OpenCL and
CUDA respectively. They use Andreas Kloeckner's
ignoring the I. Not as
convenient as it could be, but at least it doesn't give you an
incorrect answer!
On Nov 4, 11:57 pm, kcrisman wrote:
> On Nov 3, 10:41 pm, Felix Lawrence wrote:
> > Here's why there's a discrepancy:
> > sage: import
Here's why there's a discrepancy:
sage: import scipy.fftpack as Fourier
sage: Fourier.ifft([95,20-25*i,-23,20+25*i])
array([ 28.0+0.j, 29.5-0.j, 8.0+0.j, 29.5+0.j])
sage: Fourier.ifft([95,20,-23,20])
array([ 28.0+0.j, 29.5-0.j, 8.0+0.j, 29.5+0.j])
sage: sage: Fourier.ifft([95,20-25j,-23,20+
Hi Chris,
Are you on a 64-bit mac, i.e. core 2 duo or newer? I believe Sage's
implementation of f2py is broken on 64-bit macs - certainly it is
broken on mine too.
There is a simple patch that fixes this problem at
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8010 , if anyone wants to
review it.
It turned out that there was another bug in there. At least on my
machine, f2py was still broken on 4.3.1.rc1. I tracked down the
problem (mac gcc doesn't support -shared) and there's a patch ready
for review at ticket #8010.
On Jan 15, 10:42 am, gsw wrote:
> > Is there a way to
On Jan 17, 11:35 am, William Stein wrote:
> 2010/1/16 Shing Hing Man :
> > Hi,
> > In a Sage session (within notebook or command console) , how to
> > list all the loaded objects and how to remove them from the session ?
> Use show_identifiers and reset:
> sage: X = 10
> sage: show_identi
For a while now, I've been occasionally battling to get f2py working
on my mac, as per http://www.sagemath.org/doc/numerical_sage/f2py.html
. I have 10.6, core 2 duo, 4GB RAM, and am running sage 4.3.
For ages, when I tried to execute the first example on that page, it
failed with the error