[sage-support] Re: Possible bug in is_locally_represented_number in the quadratic forms package

2014-07-02 Thread Edna Jones
Thank you Dominique, I didn't realize that is_locally_represented_number() is defined to return True if and only if m is locally represented by Q over the *rational* numbers. (I misunderstood the documentation for the function.) In that case, you are correct. Is there a function in Sage that r

[sage-support] Re: Possible bug in is_locally_represented_number in the quadratic forms package

2014-07-01 Thread Edna Jones
Just to clarify, I believe that Q.is_locally_represented_number(42), where Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,4,4]) should return False. An integer m is locally represented if m is represented by Q mod p ^a for every prime p and every non-negative integer a and also that it is represented over th

[sage-support] Possible bug in is_locally_represented_number in the quadratic forms package

2014-07-01 Thread Edna Jones
sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ,[1,4,4]) sage: for j in range(42,43): : print(j, Q.is_locally_represented_number(j)) # should print (42, False) but prints (42, True) : (42, True) The above code prints (42, True) using Sage, version 6.2. I should state that the above code prints