That looks perfect, but I can only get one of the patches to apply. I must
be missing something. (flask notebook?)
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David Monarres
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Hello all,
Just ran across a result in Sage that was a bit un-intuitive to me:
sage: f(x) = x^5
sage: f(2)
sage: f(2) == 32
32 == 32
I can see what is happening, Sage is treating f(2) as a member of SR and
then the whole expression is treated as a symbolic. What I was wondering is
why a cal
Hey Jason,
I added some code to handle a the axis computation for a list of datasets
since the help string says that this was something to be implemented. Here
it is:
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Just looked over the code posted on in your patch. It is almost exactly what
I did, but I like the way that you handled options better. I haven't gotten
a full grasp of the * and ** argument magic.
I can start here and look into extending it. Any ideas on what you would
want? Or what else need
Thank you for pointing that out. I didn't do my homework before I started so
I probably duplicated efforts.
I will take a look at that trac ticket today.
David Monarres
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Does this work for you?
sage: S = ['h','t']
sage: P = dict(zip(S,[1/2,1/2]))
sage: P
{'h': 1/2, 't': 1/2}
sage: O = DiscreteProbabilitySpace(S,P)
sage: dict( [ ((s1,s2),P[s1]*P[s2]) for s1 in S for s2 in S] )
{('h', 't'): 1/4, ('t', 't'): 1/4, ('h', 'h'): 1/4, ('t', 'h'): 1/4}
It doesn't real
graphics generation.
I will post the patches to Sage if anybody is interested in their inclusion.
Though I think that most people are happy working directly with matplotlib
or finance.timeseries to really be interested.
Thank you for your help.
David Monarres
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Hello all,
first of I would like to thank you all for your hard work. SAGE is
amazing, and it only gets better.
It seems that I cannot find any documentation about setting up a public
(at least on our local department network ) sage server. I have set up
sage in a chroot environment, following t