With GCC 6.1.0, "the default, if no C++ language dialect options are given,
is -std=gnu++14"
C++ code in some packages is not C++14 compatible. Adding the option
-std=gnu++03 to the CXXFLAGS environment variable lets almost everything
compile fine, except the singular-3.1.7p1.p1 package.
chine, with EPD 6.0 installed and Mac OX
backend, the
labels are correct.
Any tips, even temporary workaround would be appreciated. I often use
sage just as a python distribution, so a matplotlib gui version is
To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.c
The sage 3.4 Linux x86_64 binaries have acquired a new sage-flags.txt,
I used:
which works perfectly on an intel xeon 5160 but the update to 3.4
gives me the warning flag when starting sage. I think this processor
was released in Ju
On Feb 20, 4:04 am, Carl Witty wrote:
> On Feb 19, 3:54 pm, Art wrote:
> > I would like to use the sage distribution as my default python
> > distribution transparently. If I type python at the command line, I
> > would like sage -python to be called and #/usr/bin/env
easy_install with sage if an spkg doesn't exist? I
have been downloading the source tarballs and doing sage -python setup
Sorry for the boring questions. I couldn't find info in the sage or
python docs or in the lists and my knowledge of python is poor.
On May 4, 8:29 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 2:35 PM, Art <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am unsuccessful at using rpy through the sage notebook. A Traceback
> > is appended. I am assuming this is the sag
there is a quick fix for this problem. I have read through some
of the trac tickets and postings on your forums but I don't know
enough at this point to solve this myself.
from rpy import r
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/home/art/.sage/sage_