
2008-01-09 Thread Andrzej Chrzęszczyk
Hello, I'm sory for repeating the same post 2 times (associativity...) Please remove one of them if possible. achrzesz Zagłosuj i zgarnij 10.000 złotych! Wybierz z nami Internetowego SportoWWWca Roku. Oddaj swój głos na najlepszego. - Kliknij:

[sage-support] associativity of addition on elliptic curves

2008-01-09 Thread Andrzej Chrzęszczyk
Hello My question is connected with file http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/ent/ent_py and especially with checking the associativity law of addition on ell. curves. When I was trying to perform the same calculations in Sage I observed some surprising (me) behaviour. Enclosed is the corresponding S