On 2012-10-31 09:32:28 +, Ivan Andrus said:
Hi Ivan,
this change works only have the way. The option secure=False works
great; secure=True gives me a lot of errors / troubles.
Should i open a ticket in http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ ? I could
not find a category for the sage.app vers
On 2012-10-30 17:09:38 +, Ivan Andrus said:
On Oct 30, 2012, at 2:47 PM, Andreas Paeffgen wrote:
on Macos 10.7.4 and the .app - version of sage, i can start the
notebook server over the application menu.
I want to set some default settings like ipadress and security=true.
I do not
On 2012-10-30 19:35:59 +, Andreas Paeffgen said:
Sorry for answering in the wrong position. New program, new mistakes.
This post should belong to post - notebook server on macos - preference file
I have to appologise for posting a doublete
Of course i like to help.
1. Did you
On 2012-10-30 17:46:11 +, kcrisman said:
Unfortunately, that's not very easy right now. I plan to fix it in the
future--it won't be very hard. First I have to get some other stuff
merged though. I just need to get back in the swing of getting things
By the way, if people o
Of course i like to help.
1. Did you mean just reviewing the trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac. you
mentioned or everything concerning the mac.app?
2. Or related to my original question regarding the server
functionality in the mac.app?
If you have a different idea how to help, thats fine with
on Macos 10.7.4 and the .app - version of sage, i can start the
notebook server over the application menu.
I want to set some default settings like ipadress and security=true.
I do not want to start the notebook server via the terminal, because
than the terminal has to be open all the tim