Hi all,
I have an issue where I'm trying to compute hilbert symbols in pari instead
of gp due to time issues:
sage: K. = NumberField(x^5-2*x+3)
sage: P = K.prime_above(5)
sage: a = g+2
sage: b = g^3
sage: nK = K.pari_nf()
sage: na = a._pari_()
sage: nb = b._pari_()
sage: hnfP = P.pari_hnf()
ok, it's working, I installed imagemagick, tex4ht, gv, gs (following
the March 12 sage-devel latex in notebook instructions)
On May 31, 4:25 pm, Alyson Deines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> thanks for the help,
> having installed tetex-extra I'm still getting an error
e25.dvi (1 page, 500 bytes).
Error latexing slide.
I can open sage25.dvi and I can also tex sage25.tex and open open that
dvi . . .
On May 31, 12:53 pm, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
dortmund.de> wrote:
> On May 31, 9:47 pm, Alyson Deines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm running sage version 3.0.2 on kubuntu.
I'm having trouble using Latex in notebook (and I've check and I do
have pdflatex installed)
When I evaluate:
The equation $y^2 = x^3 + x$ defines an elliptic curve.
We have $2006 = \sage{factor(2006)}$.
I get the following error:
An error occ
I was just playing around with Sage, and I tried to animate
Is this not implemented yet?
What I did was this:
L = [sphere((0,i,0))for i in range(10)]
a = animate(L)
with each line in a different cell.
After a = animate(L) it graphed the last entry in L
and after a.s