Hi Vesselin,
Sorry! Name-clash: Sage uses SR for the “Symbolic Ring” and we use “mq.SR” for
the small scale AES generator. This is what caused Dima’s confusion, that’s all.
A workaround is to look at the linear equations directly and to extract a
solution from it “by hand”, i.e. there’s a bug.
Hi all,
I think there’s a name clash here. mq.SR is a thing I wrote ages ago for
producing systems of equations for small-scale variants of AES (not the
symbolic ring).
The problem comes from the variety() call and I think Sam did find a bug:
sage: sr = mq.SR(2,1,1,4, gf2=True, polybori=True,
Hi there,
The trusted Sage Cell server stopped loading external resources, e.g. for
n, alpha, q = 256, 0.0009765625, 65537
_ = estimate_lwe(n, alpha, q)
File "src/fpylll/fplll/lll.pyx", line 379, in
> fpylll.fplll.lll.LLLReduction.size_reduction
> fpylll.util.ReductionError: b'success'
> Kind regards,
> Santanu
> On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 at 15:47, 'Martin R. Albrecht' via sage-support <
> sage-sup
Hi there,
You can do it by calling down to FPyLLL which (together with NTL) powers
lattice reduction in Sage. Here’s an example:
#+begin_src jupyter-python :kernel sagemath
A = random_matrix(ZZ, 10, 10, x=-1, y=2)
A.echelonize() # make it interesting by turning into HNF
print("# Input")
I don’t think this is implemented in Sage.
Santanu Sarkar writes:
Dear all,
I am searching lattice reduction for polynomial matrices in
Kindly help me.
T. Mulders and A. Storjohann. On lattice reduction for
polynomial matrices.
Journal of Symbolic Computation,
Hi there,
did you check that your system has more than one solution? In any case,
solve_sat() takes a parameter `n` which tells it to recover more/all
* "n" - number of solutions to return. If "n" is +infinity then
all solutions are returned. If "n Hello
> I am trying to
Hi Roberto,
it’s not implemented in Sage, so you won’t find it.
Roberto Labrada Claro writes:
> Hi, I'm from Cuba and new to this group and I am learning to work with Sage,
> I am using the virtual machine sage on Windows 10, I have a degree in
> Mathematics, someone pordría hel