Thank you. Do you know what is an efficient way of getting these
non-isomorphic graphs with n edges?
Using your answer. I can use nauty_geng(2 * n), and then filter out all the
graphs with n edges. But even going through nauty_geng(2*n) is more memory
and spaces needed.
On Tuesday, January 3
On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 2:38 AM Shiyue Li wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am hoping to generate a list of all graph isomorphism classes of a given
> size. The current code that I have first generate all the graphs on 2n, and
> then take all the isomorphism class representatives of size n. But the first
Since all the graphs you are counting are disconnected,
my guess is that there is a combinatorial argument to
determine their number, say L_n, in terms of the number of connected ones.
Assuming you know the number of connected graphs on
k vertices with n edges (where k<=n+1), call it M_{k,n}, my gu